A Womens Continent and a Continent of Hope |

Euro 22.00
240 Pages
Torild Skard
Publication date: 2004
Language: German
ISBN: 3-927198-23-4
Torild Skards impressing report is a sensitive/empathetic dispute about a modern Africa beyond the pictures of a continent rife with disasters, civil wars and AIDS, prevalent in western media.
As a regional chief of the UNICEF office for west and Central Africa, the author traveled crosswise through the region during the 90's. She was confronted with the problems of the people there, in particular the women and children, and so acquired an intensive view of the social, cultural, political and economic realities of the people.
She is however not only confronted with poverty and misery but also discovers the sources of hope and change: courageous humans, above all self-confident women, innovative projects in rural regions and meaningful UNICEF development programs, which she coordinates.
Torilds Skards firsthand account creates an appreciation for the fight against poverty and the readiness to help. The account however does not conceal the fact, that it is time for well-founded questions about western development assistance.
Furthermore the author succeeds to give an understanding of the history of some African peoples and their cultural variety to the reader.
The book is addressed to interested readers, students, employees of development co-operations, volunteers and travelers.
About the Author
The Norwegian Torild Skard is an internationally reknown and established author, scholar and politician.
She was a teacher and instructor in training teachers, before she was elected into parliament in 1973 and became the first president of the Norwegian upper house. Afterwards she worked several years in an executive position in the Norwegian Ministry for development co-operation.
She became a deputy secretary general for international development in the State Department, worked then as a directress for woman questions at the UNESCO.
In 1994 the UNICEF managed to employ Torild Skard for four years as a regional chief for west and Central Africa.
The intensive experiences, which she gained in more than 20 African countries, supplied the material for this book.