Available Books |
Aspects of Feminism and Gender in the Novels of three West African Women |

Euro 14.50
90 Pages
Edith Kohrs-Amissah
Publication date: 2002
Language: English
ISBN: 3-927198-17-X
This research is about the recent novels of three famous female writers, Buchi Emecheta (Nigeria), Ama Ata Aidoo (Ghana) and new on the literature scene Amma Darko from Ghana.
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Wenn Gott eine Frau wäre |

Euro 12.00
174 Pages
Stanley Nyamfukudza
Publication date: 2001
Language: German
ISBN: 3-927198-09-9
The ten narrations from Zimbabwe, which do not exclusively deal with women, are lively representations of human strengths and weaknesses, even if some cows play the main role in one place.
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Nkrumah - Rawlings: Eine Annäherung an das politische Denken zweier ghanaischer Staatsmänner |

Euro 14.50
170 Pages
Christian Kohrs
Publication date: 2001
Language: German
ISBN: 3-927198-18-8
This Research deals with the political thoughts of Kwame Nkrumahs and Jerry John Rawlings. Its aim is to show, to which extent Nkrumahs political philosophy took influence on the political vision of Rawlings.
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Die Grenze meines Reisfelds ist das Meer. Die Aufzeichnungen des Maonjana aus
dem Madagaskar des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts |

Euro 14.50
162 Pages
Wolf Angebauer
Publication date: 1998
Language: German
ISBN: ISBN 3-927198-15-3
Wolf Angebauer, who ever since visiting the islands of the Indian ocean, which are situated off the coast of Africa, has been fascinated by the region, lets the precolonial world of Madagascar become alive in this historical narration. A narration which was carefully researched. An exceptional work in the genre of German-language literature on Africa.
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Wörter sind Totems |

Euro 14.50
366 Pages
Almut Seiler-Dietrich
Publication date: 1995
Language: German
ISBN: 3-927198-13-7
Modern African literature has two roots: oral tradition and colonial experience. Modern African literature therefore uses in addition to its own languages also that of the European colonisers.
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Women´s Studies With A Focus On Ghana |

Euro 24.00
262 Pages
Dr. Mansah Prah
Publication date: 1995
Language: English
ISBN: 3-927198-11-0
The concerns of womens studies in Africa are close to African realities and have tended to centre around issues arising from women´s situation in a condition of "underdevelopment" which characterizes so many countries on the African continent.
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Facetten der Kultur Ghanas |

Euro 10.50
80 Pages
Angela Christian
Publication date: 1992
Language: German
ISBN: 3-927198-07-2
You will find one or two Poems in this book beside the facets on Kente, Adinkra, Oware, Pottery & Ceramics, Akuaba, Ashanti Gold Weights, Akan Stools, Uses of Gold in Ghana, Ghanaian Art forms and Symbolism, The Ghana National Museum, etc.
Also in English
Facets Of Ghanaian Culture |

Euro 9.50
Angela Christian
Publication date: First Ed. 1989. Second Ed. 2004
Language: English
ISBN: 3-927198-04-8
More Information | Also in German
The Politics, Economics And Dynamics Of Development Administration In
Contemporary Egypt |

Euro 23.00
294 Pages
Dr. A. Y. Zohny
Publication date: 1988
Language: English
ISBN: 3-927198-00-5
This is the first comprehensive book written about Egypt´s development. It brilliantly spans two dramatic and dissimilar Administrations, that of Gamal Abdul- Nasser and Anwar Al-Sadat. Utilizing an interdisiplinary approach, Dr. Zohny draws from the tenets of politics, economics, sociology and management science to reveal at long last the real impact that the decisions of these two formidable presidents had on Egypt´s development.
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