Books on African Studies
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Afrika interpretieren

Euro 22.00
140 Pages
Almut Seiler-Dietrich

Publication date: 2006
Language: German
ISBN: 978-3-927198-28-9

50 years of African Independence from 1957, when the Gold Coast became independent Ghana, to the overthrow of the Apartheid System in South Africa 1990:
African authors, most of whom write in European languages, have accompanied Decolonization and modern Nation Building. One of them - the Nigerian Wole Soyinka - was honoured with the Nobel Prize for Literature.
This collection of reviews with original passages, remind us that African Literature has been popular in Germany over the past decades. All Titles in this book, and a lot more, often translated years after the originals were published, are available in the German language.

Agathe. Eine Berlinerin aus Ruanda

Euro 14.50
252 Pages
Anke Poenicke

Publication date: 2004
Language: German
ISBN: 3-927198-27-7

Agathe, who many call "Angie" at school, is eleven years old and lives with her mother Suzanne. She attends the fifth class of a Berlin High School, together with her best friend Nadine. Agathe is the sporty typ and a good pupil. She is well known and seems to be very self-confident.

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Kontinent der Frauen und der Hoffnung

Euro 22.00
240 Pages
Torild Skard

Publication date: 2003
Language: German
ISBN: 3-927198-23-4

Torild Skards impressing report is a empathetic dispute about a modern Africa beyond the pictures of a continent rife with disasters, civil wars and AIDS, prevalent in western media.

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The Children of Mankoadze: Our Village

Euro 25.00
80 Pages

Jerry Bedu-Addo

Publication date: 2003
Language: English
ISBN: 3-927198-21-8

The first of a series of books for both children and adults that will acquaint you with some of the rich traditions and cultures of the Ghanaian people.

Pictures in the book were passionately drawn by children of the village of Gomoa Mankoadze, Ghana, in an attempt to show the world outside some of the riches of growing up in traditional Ghana.

The children, all between the ages of ten and thirteen, had no previous experience with this kind of art, but could instantly produce these wonderful and unique works, showing an enormous amount of talent yet untapped.
Ghana - Traveller's Guide - The Ghanaian People, their History and Culture

Euro 22.00
175 Pages

Jerry Bedu-Addo

Publication date: 2003 (Third Edition)
Language: English
ISBN: 3-927198-22-6

Ghana: The Happy and Peaceful Country.

Whether for its Hospitality, Culture or Tradition, Ghana has an impact on visitors that is out of proportion to its relativly small population.

Show me the most beautiful beach that you know in the world and I will show you one of many in Ghana that is more beautiful and unique.

This book will not only try to tell you where to go in Ghana, but also attempt to introduce you to the History, Culture and Traditions of a people who have a lot to say to the rest of the world.
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